About Materialise

Imagine a laser beam striking liquid resin. It's the origin of 3D printing and also Materialise's former logo, sparkling to express their innovative spirit. A great thought to start from.​​​​​​​

We embraced this idea, making it evolve into a contemporary identity. With a premium international feel and a human touch. Well balanced but decentralised – steady and tense at the same time.

First we had to shake off Belgian modesty. This Belgian university spin-off has become a respected global player with 1.500 employees worldwide. The old identity just couldn't live up to that.

The new logo shape is almost an extract from the old one, like a tribute. The horizontal line symbolizes the steady backbone Materialise is offering the 3D printing industry. The diagonal represents an open and eager movement towards new innovations. The blue gradient adds a 3D feel without overdoing it.

We expanded this framework to create a full identity. The steady horizontal backbone always being there; the diagonal ever moving, to fit headlines or photography. A yellow flash of colour lively emphasizes a single word or call-to-action.

Then, for these masters in materials, we couldn't resist creating a series of lively textures, also perfectly suitable for some thrilling motion graphics.


